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Product information SHIEER-Oleïn®
SHIEER-Oleïn is an oil additive. It minimizes wear and optimizes the engine performance.The oil is less polluted and thus reduces fuel consumption.
SHIEER Oleïn is applicable to any oil and grease, of any kind or brand. It is also used for gears, cardan and compressors. Oleïn reduces friction in the engine, improves the sealing effect between the piston and the cylinder and reduces the so-called blow-by effect – to a minimum. This leads to less pollution and acidification of the engine oil. In addition, SHIEER Oleïn has a catalytic effect on burning and reduces the emission of unburned hydrocarbon.
The result of this durable „filmic“ oil layer is less fuel and less oil consumption. It reduces the wear of moving parts and thus reduces maintenance costs. SHIEER Oleïn cuts operating costs and reduces emissions through combustion.
- Fuel savings
- Oil savings
- Improves the quality of your engine (can double the time span of a new oil change)
- Environmentally friendly
- The engine gets smoother in the barrel
- Significantly reduced nitrogen oxide emissions (see report SGS)
- Lower CO emission
- Lower soot emission
- Savings in maintenance
- Extended life of the engine
- Significant reduction in NOX and CO levels
50 ml SHIEER Olein, per litre of engine oil
SHIEER Oleïn and Shieer Ignishion are having a synergistic effect, it is recommended to use them in combination. A test with a class BMW X5 diesel has shown that SHIEER Olein in combination with SHIEER Ignishion reduced the noise level by 8 dB.A research by the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands shows that the addition of SHIEER Oleïn shows the sensational reduction of friction between metal parts (see diagrams).
See measurement result of the University of Hoboken, Belgium.
PDF Download Test Report SHIEER Ignishion
Shieer Luxembourg S.A.
10, Rue Willy Goergen L- 1636 Luxembourg Tel.: 00352 / 28792898 info@shieer.comcopyright Shieer S.A.