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Product information SHIEER Bio-Crop®
C.U.C.: P 010068 / P 010070
MPS-Nr.: 901 / 902
Bio-Crop is a plant fertilizer, which improves the quality and the production of plant
SHIEER Bio-Crop is similar to Avena, but different in its effect on plants. While Avena is used to improve the leaf structure, Bio-Crop is used on the root-structure. Through the use, the root environment and the bacterial growth gets improved and stimulated by the natural substances. This shows the significant difference in the root structure between treated and untreated plants.
- Improved root environment and structure
- New root growth of plants which are affected by illness
- Improved biological balance
- Roots become less sensitive to disease
- Cleaning effect on the drop pipe System
- Prevents growth of algae and crystallization
It is known in nature that some plants assimilate aromatic substances to protect against insects. This has already been recognized in the tomato production.A healthy plant, that grows well, releases more aromatic substances, insect populations as the “white fly” can be significantly reduced.
A healthy plant gets less infected by insects and fungi. Therefore, it is necessary to produce plants in a professional and natural way. This is very important because more and more chemical products are banned and fewer new chemical products are used. Bio-Crop is a good natural alternative to increase production and improves the quality of the products in a natural way.
Shieer Luxembourg S.A.
10, Rue Willy Goergen L- 1636 Luxembourg Tel.: 00352 / 28792898 info@shieer.comcopyright Shieer S.A.